Lindungi Rumah – Protection of Your value Residence (Building & Content) against any sudden & accidental damage which including but not limited any damage caused of:
- Fire; Lightning, Explosion, Aircraft Impact & Smoke [FLEXAS];
- Typhoon; Storm; Flood; Water Damage [TSFWD];
- Riot; Strike; Malicious Damage & Civil Commotion [RSMD + CC]
- Burglary / Theft / Accidental Damage
- Earthquake ; Volcanic Eruption ; Tsunami [EQVET]
- Liability to Third Party [Within Premises]
ADD. BENEFIT: *) as per insurer each Insurer Extension Agreed to add.
- Personal Accident
- Temporary Accommodation
- Domestic Servant Belongings
- Terrorism & Sabotage *)
- In-fidelity Conduct Domestic Servant *)