What is
Motor Vehicle Insurance?
Vehicle Insurance, also commonly known as Car Insurance or Motor Vehicle Insurance, is a type of insurance policy designed to provide financial protection to vehicle owners againts potential loss or damage that may occur to their vehicle or someone else's vehicle due to an accident, collision, theft, or other incidents covered.
The benefits of having Vehicle Insurance :
Third Party Liability
Protection from Flood or Earthquake
Damage Protection from Terrorism
By filling in the details of your vehicle, Lindungi Kendaraan can provide the appropriate insurance premium price.


Lindungi Kendaraan is a Motor Vehicle Insurance which is a Protection of Your Value Vehicle directly caused by:

Main Covered: [Comprehensive / Total Loss Only]

  • Collision, impact, overturning, skidding, or falling into;
  • Malicious act;
  • Theft, including theft which is preceded or accompanied or followed by violence or a threat of violence as provided for in Article 362, 363 section (3), (4), (5), and Article 365 of the Criminal Code (Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana);
  • Fire, including :

    • Fire resulting from fire to nearby object or the place of storage of the Motor Vehicle;
    • Fire caused by lightning;
  • Damage caused by water and/or other equipment used to prevent or extinguish the fire;
  • Total or partial destruction of the Motor Vehicle at the order of the authorities in attempt to prevent further spreading of the fire.
  • Loss and or damage caused by an event stated in section (1) of this Article whilst the said Motor Vehicle is on board of the vessel for crossing means under the supervision of the Directorate General of Land Communication, including loss and/or damage caused by the said vessel being involved in an accident.
  • Liability to Third Party
  • Passenger Legal Liability
  • Personal Accident / Medical Accident
  • Earthquake
  • Flood/ Typhoon / Lightning
  • Riot, Strike , Civil Commotion
  • Terrorism & Sabotage
  • Others
  • Taxi / Car Replacement
  • Authorized Garage
  • TPL Extension On Site
  • Admin Allowance
  • Personal Effect
  • Ambulance Allowance

Any vehicle, but limited to private usage only – Excluding commercial Purpose

For Comprehensive, the maximum years is 25 years, while for Total Loss is up to 30 years. This applies for both Car and Motor Cycle

For the new motor vehicle, it will be referred to the purchased value of that vehicle, while for the used vehicle, it will be referred to the existing market based on brand, type and year made of your vehicle

2 Months before expiry, there will be a renewal notification send to your email. If you want to renew it, you can do the confirmation in the email that we send it to you.

  1. Refer to Polis Standard Asuransi Kendaraan Bermotor Indonesia, Third Party Legal Liability is a legal liability of the insured against loss suffered by third party, directly caused by Motor Vehicle arising out of risks covered by Article 1 paragraph (1) items 1.1 and 1.4, whether the settlement thereof is by compromise, mediation, arbitration or through court subject to prior written consent of the Insurer, namely:
    • Damage to property
    • Medical expenses, bodily injury and or death;

    A maximum of sum insured for Legal Liability coverage against any Third Party as set forth in the Policy

  2. Legal fees or professional service fees in the relation to legal liability of the Insured subject to prior written consent of the Insurer. Liability of the Insurer for such fees, shall be at a maximum 10% (ten percent) of the limit of Legal Liability coverage against any Third Party as specified in the paragraph (1) of this article.

    This indemnification shall constitute an addition of indemnity governed in paragraph (1) of this article.